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Thursday, January 9, 2020


Barr. (Mrs.) Sandra Ememobong 

Uyo- An Uyo-based lawyer, Barr Chinonyerem Sandra-Emejuiwe Ememobong has appealed to well-to-do Nigerians to create time for regular visits to hospitals around them.

Ememobong said such visits may bring hope to some less-privileged persons whose lives may have been at stake due to their inability to either settle their hospital bills or make the initial deposit to be treated before being over-powered.

She drew this advice from her personal experience when she visited to celebrate her 34th birthday in one of the hospitals in Uyo, only to end up rescuing a distressed woman in labour.

Narrating her experience during the unscheduled visit to the Family Life Centre (Vesico-Vaginal Fistula Hospital), Uyo,  the celebrant who is wife of the State Publicity Secretary of the Peoples Democratic Party said her visit brought an immediate rescue to the woman whose husband had been out of sight for two days.

“You could imagine what would have happened to this woman and her baby if God had not directed me there. Many have lost their lives due to their inability to afford hospital bills. I therefore want to appeal to well-to-do Nigerians to; from time to time create time to visit hospitals.

She thanked the management of the hospital for opening its doors to her and pledged that as God gives grace, she would continue to give her support to the Medical Missionaries of Mary (MMM) ministering in the Family Life Centre.

The Administrator of the hospital, Sister Amuche Ogbuokiri in her remarks said the celebrant came at a time when respite was mostly needed, and thanked her for choosing the VVF centre as the place to visit on her birthday, while praying the Blessings of God upon her and her Family.

Mrs. Ememobong who said her visit was basically to help offset bills for patients who were unable to do so, said she met an emergency involving a woman who needed an urgent caesarian section, but had neither relative nor financial strength to enable the hospital carry out the operation.
She  further regretted  that the beautiful baby girl, just delivered through her timely intervention, had nothing to wear on arrival, except for the hospital sheet. She, therefore took it upon herself to clear the hospital bill, while also providing the entire basic needs of the child for the first few months.
“I just felt i should go there as part of my 34th birthday to assist some persons who could not afford their medical bills. On getting there, i saw this distressed woman who needed to undergo an immediate CS, the husband could not be found for two days now and the baby was already distressed.
“I had to sign immediately for CS to be carried out on her and when they came out with this very beautiful baby girls, there was no single clothing for her, they had to wrap the hospital sheet round her. We therefore had to arrange clothes for the baby.
In a surprise birthday sit-out organized for Mrs Ememobong,  husband of the celebrant and Publicity Secretary of the PDP, Akwa Ibom State Chapter, Comrade Ini Ememobong said his decision to celebrate his wife at 34 was due to a recent intervention extended to her by God, which he said protected his wife from an air crash.
In an earlier message on his Facebook page, he had corroborated the descriptions made of his wife by the over 3000 well-wishers who unanimously described Mrs Ememobong as virtuous, self-sacrificing and generous.
“When you were born, you were named Chinonyerem, meaning God is with you. Throughout our relationship, whether as friend, class mate, adviser, supporter, wife, co-parent to our children, prayer partner, business partner or destiny helper, you have expressed your undiluted love for me.”
“I thank you for loving our people dearly and daily sacrificing for their welfare. I and the kids are deeply proud of your attainments and we pray for higher heights for you. Happy birthday Chi”, he said

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